23 Feb 2012

»Tips Protecting Photography Equipment

Tips Protecting Photography Equipment

Protect your valuable equipment during the trip, I'd like to give some tips on what to avoid.

tips protecting photography equipment

1. Moist
Exposed to water will certainly cause problems on your camera, but one thing that not many users realize the camera is about the humidity, because it could cause damage to the camera slowly and could lead to a fungus that can cause damage to the essential components of your camera. preferably when you will be traveling to a place or country the climate is humid, it helps place the powder in the dryer in the tool bag to protecting photography equipment, and try to wrap your camera with a very tightly with plastic bags.

2. Sand
If you go to protect coastal areas in order to secure the equipment you pack your camera with a plastic bag inside the bag for protection and remove it only when you are photographing, use a brush to remove any abrasive sand grains from the camera and lenses every day.

3. Dust
Dust is a very crucial thing that can cause damage to the camera sensor, camera sensor to make you keep it clean from dust, gunkan general precautions, such as photography equipment let you keep the bag closed when not in use, adjust the zoom lens with a focal lenght width so it does not have to replace the lens if not necessary

4. Salt
if you're shooting at sea and at the windy days that use UV filters to protecting your camera is not exposed to corrosion from sea water